Wishes for "Valentine's Day"
FILTER: ALL | FUNNYMay your Valentine’s Day be as delightful as a 3AM fridge raid!
Here’s to a Valentine’s Day filled with good wine good food and especially good friends like you.
Happy Valentine’s Day! Remember the best things in life are like me… incredibly rare and absolutely priceless!
On this Valentine’s Day may your life be as spicy as our last Thai meal and as sweet as our first kiss.
Happy Valentine's Day to someone who gets more beautiful every time the light at McDonald’s hits their face.
Roses are red violets are blue on Valentine’s Day I’d choose pizza over you!
Let's spend Valentine’s Day eating our body weight in chocolate and binging rom-coms.
Be mine. Or don’t. No pressure. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Happy Valentine’s Day to my favorite person to argue with over where to have dinner.
Roses are red violets are blue I love you more than my morning coffee but please don’t make me prove it.
Happy Valentine’s Day! Let’s celebrate by doing absolutely nothing and pretending we’re not disappointed.
You're like my favorite book - I get lost in you every time. Happy Valentine’s Day!
You’re the peanut butter to my jelly – and I’m allergic to peanuts. Happy Valentine’s Day!
This Valentine's Day let's make some romantic memories that are moderately decent.
Our love is like a fine wine. It’s getting more expensive and harder to find. Happy Valentine's Day!
Roses are red violets are blue if you were a flower I’d pick Netflix. Sorry but it’s true.
Happy Valentine’s Day! Thanks for loving me despite my inability to parallel park.
I love you more than I love getting a seat on a crowded train. That's real love.