Wishes for "Thank You"
FILTER: ALL | FUNNYThanks a latte for your support!
You're so amazing I might write a song about you... or at least a haiku.
You're officially on my 'Favorite Humans' list!
If you were a vegetable you'd be a cute-cumber. Thanks!
I couldn't find a card that says 'Thanks for being awesome and hilarious' so here's this message instead.
You're as awesome as a double rainbow on a unicorn's birthday!
Thanks for being the peanut butter to my jelly.
You're so awesome I'd high-five you if I could!
If you were a superhero your name would be 'Captain Awesome.'
I'm not saying you're a superhero but I've never seen you and Batman in the same room...
Thanks for being a friend I can always count on even if I can't count on my fingers!
You're like a human sunshine on a cloudy day. Thanks for brightening my life!
You're as cool as a penguin wearing sunglasses in the Arctic. Thanks!
If I had a dollar for every time you've been awesome I'd be a billionaire!
You're so awesome even the unicorns are jealous!
Thanks for being a friend I can laugh with... or at!
You're the cheese to my macaroni. Thanks for making life cheesy!
You're so awesome you put the 'awe' in 'awesome.'