Wishes for "Good Morning"
FILTER: ALL | FUNNYGood morning! Coffee and kindness: the essentials for survival.
Rise and shine but first coffee!
Wishing you a morning as bright as your bedhead!
Start your day with a smile and by 'smile' I mean coffee.
May your coffee be strong and your Wi-Fi be strong too!
Good morning! The early bird gets the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese.
Rise and shine! Or just hit snooze and dream on.
Wishing you a morning so bright it's blinding!
Start your day with a positive thought: I'm positive I need more sleep.
May your day be as fun as a toddler on a sugar rush!
Good morning! If at first you don't succeed have more coffee.
Rise and shine and don't forget to put on your invisible crown!
Wishing you a morning full of epic dance moves in the bathroom mirror.
Start your day with a smile and then practice it in the mirror!
May your day be as awesome as your bedhead hair!
Good morning! The early bird can have the worm; I'll take the coffee.
Rise and shine! But don't shine too brightly; I'm not a morning person.
Wishing you a morning as fresh as your morning breath!