Wishes for "Good Morning"
FILTER: ALL | FUNNYStart your day with a cup of ambition and a side of bacon.
May your day be as trouble-free as a penguin in a tuxedo!
Good morning! Today's goal: keep the coffee cup full.
Rise and shine and remember that 'morning' is a relative term.
Wishing you a morning so cheerful even the grumpy cat smiles!
Start your day with enthusiasm or just hit snooze again.
May your day be as sweet as the donuts in the breakroom!
Good morning! Coffee is the answer no matter the question.
Rise and shine! But first check for bedhead and mismatched socks.
Wishing you a morning as awesome as your favorite meme!
Wishing you a morning filled with laughter even if it's at your own jokes.
Start your day with a smile and if that doesn't work try caffeine.
May your day be as amazing as the last slice of pizza!
Good morning! The early bird can have the worm; I'll take the extra sleep.
Rise and shine but don't forget to hit the snooze button.
Start your day with a cup of joy and a side of sarcasm.
May your day be as fabulous as your weekend plans!
Good morning! Coffee is my love language.