Wishes for "New Year"
FILTER: ALL | FUNNYWishing you a year of 'reply-all' email mishaps and epic autocorrect fails.
May your phone autocorrect your typos to make you sound even smarter.
In the New Year may your favorite TV show never get canceled.
May your coffee be strong your naps be long and your coworkers be gullible.
Here's to a year of accidentally sending texts to the wrong person.
Wishing you a year of perfectly timed microwave stops to avoid explosions.
May your alarm clock malfunction on Mondays and become your best friend on Fridays.
May your cat finally decide that your laptop is not a warm bed.
Here's to forgetting the Wi-Fi password less often in the New Year.
Wishing you a year of hilarious autocorrected text messages.
May your social media posts get more likes than your ex's new relationship status.
May your resolutions last longer than your leftover holiday cookies.
May your pizza arrive hot your coffee stay warm and your ice cream never melt.
Here's to the year you finally figure out where that missing sock went.
Wishing you a year of finding money you didn't know you had in your pockets.
May your selfies always have the perfect lighting and the right filter.
May your 'Reply All' button malfunction only when it's absolutely necessary.
In the New Year may your favorite show never have a cliffhanger ending.