Wishes for "New Year"
FILTER: ALL | FUNNYHere's to a year of making it to the front page of the internet!
Wishing you a year of deciphering emojis and abbreviations.
In the New Year may your snacks be as endless as your Netflix queue.
May your troubles be as few as your resolutions.
New Year's resolution: Stop procrastinating... starting tomorrow!
May your Wi-Fi signal be strong and your phone battery never die.
Here's to finally keeping up with the gym until February at least!
May your neighbors respect your privacy and your inbox stay empty.
In the New Year may your patience be as long as the grocery store receipt.
Wishing you a bank account full of money and a fridge full of food (that you'll actually eat).
May your Netflix always autoplay the next episode and your snacks never run out.
Here's to a year of pretending to understand TikTok trends.
May your social media be filled with cat videos and puppy memes.
In the New Year may you find the perfect selfie lighting every time.
Wishing you fewer password resets and more 'Forgot password?' success.
May your favorite playlist always be on shuffle and your earbuds never tangle.
Here's to eating more pizza and kale (on the same plate) this year.
May your boss never find your social media profiles and your coworkers be as entertaining as The Office.