Wishes for "I Miss You"
FILTER: ALL | FUNNYYou're my favorite thought.
Life without you is like a meme with no caption – it's just not as funny.
I miss you more than a kid misses summer vacation.
Without you life is as dull as decaffeinated coffee.
My life is like a rom-com without the romantic lead—you!
Your absence has me watching cat videos to fill the void.
I miss you so much it's almost like I should pay rent for your spot in my thoughts.
I thought about buying a GPS tracker for your scent so I could find my way back to you.
You're like Wi-Fi – I miss you most when you're gone.
You're the peanut butter to my jelly and I'm currently jelly-less.
I'm so lost without you that I can't even find my own socks.
Without you life is as uneventful as a snail race.
I miss you like a plant misses sunlight.
Your absence makes me want to send out a search party.
I'm in a state of constant amusement when you're around. Come back!
Life without you is like a donut without the sprinkles – not as sweet.
I miss you like a chef misses their secret ingredient.
I'd trade all the emojis for just one of your smiles right now.