Wishes for "Good Night"
FILTER: ALL | FUNNYWishing you a night of dreams where you win the lottery but can only buy rubber chickens.
Good night and may your dreams be as unpredictable as a weather forecast in Antarctica.
Sleep like a pro napper who's training for the Olympic snoring competition.
May your dreams be filled with talking vegetables who give TED talks on the benefits of broccoli.
Good night! If you dream of falling make sure to land gracefully and give the judges a perfect 10.
Sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs start a debate club in your pillowcase.
Wishing you a night of dreams where you have a pet dragon that hoards chocolate.
Good night and may your dreams be as whimsical as a circus parade led by a juggling giraffe.
Sleep like a sleepwalker who's trying to navigate a maze of alarm clocks.
May your dreams be filled with a stand-up comedy routine performed by your pet goldfish.
Good night! If you dream of being late for work blame it on the dream traffic.
Sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs enroll you in a bedtime boot camp.
Wishing you a night of dreams where you're the star of a sitcom with a laugh track that never stops.
Good night and may your dreams be as surreal as a Salvador Dali painting.
Sleep like a ninja who's mastering the art of snoring silently.
May your dreams be filled with a karaoke competition featuring singing animals from all over the world.
Good night! If you dream of winning the lottery don't forget to share your winnings with your dreamselves.
Sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs sign you up for a sleep study without your consent.