Wishes for "Good Night"
FILTER: ALL | FUNNYRemember sleep is the best meditation unless you're a sleepwalker!
Sleep tight and don't forget to count your blessings not sheep!
May your dreams be so absurd that even the Sandman can't keep a straight face!
Wishing you a night of deep slumber interrupted only by the occasional snore solo!
Good night and may your dreams be more entertaining than your TV!
Sleep like a champ and wake up ready to conquer the snooze button!
May your dreams be as colorful as a box of crayons and just as impossible to color inside the lines!
Sleep tight and may your blanket always be the perfect temperature!
Good night and remember snoring is just your dream's way of applauding itself!
Wishing you a night of profound rest interrupted only by the occasional sleep-talking performance!
Sleep like there's no tomorrow but set an alarm just in case!
May your dreams be so bizarre that even Freud couldn't analyze them!
Good night and may your bed be as cozy as a marshmallow on a campfire!
Sleep tight and don't let the thought of Monday ruin your dreams!
Wishing you a night so peaceful that even your neighbor's dog takes a break from barking!
Remember sleep is the only time when you can count sheep without feeling like a farmer!
Sleep like you just discovered a new species of pillow that's super comfortable!
May your dreams be filled with laughter unicorns and unlimited Wi-Fi!